"Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome."
Our motto of ‘Kids for a Better World’ drives all of our student leadership initiatives:
GREEN TEAM students lead activities that help their peers learn about waste management, water and energy conservation, endangered species in Canada, clean water, tree planting and education projects in developing countries, caring for the outdoor gardens at school and harvesting herbs for our Environment Fair, whose proceeds all go to support our twinned school in Lesotho, Africa. GRADE SIX LEADERSHIP CLUB has our senior students act as Nutrition Break helpers, fitness leaders, reading buddies, etc. Ongoing recognition for these students is done in school newsletters, morning announcements, assemblies and in our principal’s report to school council.
Our staff’s caring and commitment to ensuring each student’s sense of acceptance, belonging and achievement, is exemplary. It begins with the warm welcome extended by our office administrator and assistant and continues with our Teachers, EAs, ECEs, Custodians, Library Technician, visiting OCDSB Central Staff and of course, the Principal. Staff recognition is ongoing through personal comments, letters, announcements, and principal reports to School Council. Our staff’s passion and commitment for sharing their expertise with our students through regular classroom and extra-curricular programs, as well as sharing best practices with each other as part of our in-school Professional Learning Community, continues to exemplify leadership that makes a difference.
Our custodial and teaching staff are to be commended for achieving a Sliver level “Eco School” designation. Our commitment to environmentally friendly practices includes; daily composting of food scraps, green bin composting of paper towels and food contaminated paper, daily blue box and black box sorting, sending communication and newsletters to parents electronically, purchasing items containing recycled material, exploring more efficient use of materials and classroom lessons focused on enhancing student understanding of environmental concerns and needs.
Our dedicated School Council and other parent and community volunteers support and enhance the delivery of our program and in school fundraising activities by volunteering with class and school events. They work tirelessly to enhance the health, safety, and strength of our learning community. We thank them on an ongoing basis and celebrate them at our annual Volunteer Appreciation event. We also thank past parents and students who regularly think of us and occasionally gift us with workshops for students, funds to purchase technology and donations of their precious time.
• Volunteers throughout the wider community participate in our ‘Reaching R.A.S. Readers’ program, reading for 1 hour each week to students in grades 1 – 3.
• Volunteers from Ottawa Network for Education’s ‘Volunteers in Education’ program are involved with our students throughout the school year.
• Volunteer from the National Gallery of Canada’s ‘Looking at Pictures’ program enrich our students’ appreciation for visual arts.
• We occasionally partner with our neighbourhood Ottawa Montessori School to celebrate significant events.
• We highlight our school’s activities in the local community paper.
• We hold an annual volunteer celebration breakfast and reception to thank our many volunteers.