Our Students
Our 220 students reflect a diverse learning community and reside in a wide variety of communities located in the south-east sector of Ottawa. They come from a variety of backgrounds and reflect a wide range of talents, abilities, learning styles and learning needs. A large number of our students are bused as our alternative program attendance boundary is large.
Our Staff
We have 14 homeroom teachers, as well as a Learning Support Teacher and Learning Resource Teachers, 3 Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), 4 Educational Assistants (EAs), a Vice-Principal and Principal. Many teachers have additional qualifications in Special Education, Math, Kindergarten, and Language/Reading, as well as other areas of teaching expertise.
Our staff work as a team to provide a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment for our students. Like all OCDSB schools, we have access to our central support staff, which includes a social worker, psychologist, speech pathologist, instructional coach and learning support consultants.
Our Community
Our students parents represent a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures, and languages. An active and involved group of parents donate generously of their time to support classrooms, run pizza lunches, movie or games nights, fun fairs, family dances and assist with field trips, classroom jobs, reading to students, and various other fundraising activities. They contribute many hours of their time to support classroom activities and learning experiences.
The School Council meets regularly throughout the year. Fundraising initiatives support classroom programs, library acquisitions, school yard play equipment, environmental and science projects, field trips, music, arts and drama programming, Aboriginal education programming, and subsidization of other school initiatives, all contributing to a safe, healthy and strong learning environment for our students.
Mission Statement
Our students, as Kids for a Better World, will become independent life-long learners with a strong set of academic, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills that will allow them to be successful in the world and contribute to it in a meaningful way.
Facilities and Resources
Riverview Alternative School benefited from a very generous gift of $25,000 from Canada Computers for the purchase of technology resources for our school.
Our school was nominated by a former student who, after winning the Intel Retail Edge Challenge, directed the funds to his former school.
These funds allowed Riverview Alternative to install Smart Boards and projectors in each of our classrooms, as well as augment other technological devices, such as iPads and dongles for iPad projection and interactive use with the Smart Boards, extending student learning using technology.
- Computer Lab, Chromebooks, iPad minis
- Library
- Gymnasium
On-site child care through Andrew Fleck Before and After School Child Care Program.
Our 8.5 acres of school grounds offer ample space to our students for play and learning opportunities.